Distracted Driving Policy for the Workplace

A distracted driving policy should clearly state that it is against the company’s rules to text, e-mail, or use a handheld phone or device while operating a company vehicle, driving a personal vehicle for business use, or using a company-issued communication device. The National Safety Council recommends the policy should apply to all employees and should prohibit both hands-free and handheld devices. They have developed The Free Cell Phone Policy Kit to help employers develop leadership support, communicate crash risks and develop a cell phone policy. The policy should also encourage employees to adopt the same mentality when driving outside of work.

Policies need to be communicated to employees, taken seriously, and enforced by management. Employees should be required to acknowledge in writing that they have read and will comply with the policy.  Employers can also encourage employees to take a pledge and have their friends and families take a pledge as well.  Click to download a pledge from Distraction.gov, take the Focused Driver Challenge online, or create a pledge that fits your family or the culture of your company. Doing so could save a life or job, maybe even your own.

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