Social Media

HP2MPJT5B6Engage Employees and Stay Connected with Total Worker Health

Social media is a no- to low-cost communication strategy that employers and wellness managers can use to promote safety and wellness and engage their employees in making positive behavior changes. It is also a way for employers to stay connected with the latest, evidence-based information regarding employer-sponsored wellness and safety programs. Using social media as part of an employee wellness program can:

  • Increase access to evidence-based information
  • Increase participation and foster employee engagement
  • Provide a trigger for making positive behavior changes
  • Provide a sense of belonging and connect people with similar goals and/or concerns
  • Provide positive peer pressure and motivation to self and others
  • Recognize leaders and champions
  • Provide access to tools and resources (e.g. self-assessments, support groups, healthy recipes)
  • Provide opportunities for games, challenges and competitions
  • Inform employers and wellness managers of employee interests to guide future programs
  • Support a culture of Total Worker Health

To be successful, employers should involve their employees in developing a strategic plan and identify champions to help with participating in and managing the site(s).

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