BLN Community Grant Program 2022
The College of Public Health and its Business Leadership Network (BLN) recently announced that four Iowa community organizations will be recipients of grant funding through the BLN’s Community Grant Program. See below for details about the projects funded in 2022 that will run from March 1 – December 31, 2022.
The organizations received grant awards of up to $3,000 to support public health-related initiatives and projects in their communities. Funding for the BLN Community Grant Program is provided by the Iowa Farm Bureau Federation. The grant program also requires recipients to secure an equal cash match from other community organizations or businesses.
Clinton County Agricultural Extension District – DeWitt
The Powerful Tools for Caregivers of Children with Special Health or Behavioral Needs project will deliver a six-week education series. The program helps parents develop self-care strategies so that they are better able to care for their children who have behavioral or health needs. These learning and behavior changes lead to increased work productivity and reduced reliance on health care and public services.
Crescent Community Health Center – Dubuque
The Seeing Success in Early Childhood project is an early vision-screening program for children starting at age six months who are underserved, uninsured, and living in poverty. The program will remove barriers in accessing services, more readily identify vision issues, and coordinate necessary interventions and treatments with local business partners.
Monroe County Public Health – Albia
The Healthy Families Monroe County project is a home visiting program to prevent abuse and neglect for overburdened families during pregnancy and with children up to age five. Participants will be identified as high priority through screenings from community partners. The program promotes growth of nurturing, responsive, parent-child relationships and healthy childhood growth and development.
University of Northern Iowa Center for Energy and Environmental Education – Cedar Falls
The People’s Community Health Clinic Delivery Program aims to reduce food insecurity and promote positive health outcomes in low-income clinic patients with chronic health conditions. The program provides patients with weekly deliveries of fresh, local produce grown from the clinic’s garden. Patients live in food deserts, where food–especially fresh, non-processed produce–is hard to access.
Learn more about the BLN Community Grant Program.
Learn more about the Business Leadership Network.