Alumni News

Hinkle comments on maternal health crisis in rural America

CPH alumna Hana Hinkle (09MPH) recently commented on efforts to train family medicine doctors in obstetrics to serve rural areas in the U.S. (NPR) Published December 20, 2023

Corbeil named CEO of LucidHealth

CPH alumnus Steve Corbeil (84MA) was named Chief Executive Officer of LucidHealth, a national leader in radiology services, effective Nov. 13, 2023.  Published December 4, 2023

Alumnus Steve Simonin receives NOSORH Community Stars Award

Alumnus Steve Simonin (90MA) has been named the recipient of the 2023 National Organization of State Offices of Rural Health (NOSORH) Community Stars Award. Simonin is the CEO of Iowa Specialty Hospitals & Clinics. Published October 19, 2023