
Call for Associate Professor Advancement Award proposals

Published on January 18, 2024

College of Public Health Associate Professor Advancement Award

Funded by: The Carver Charitable Trust

Goal: This award is intended to support the advancement of Associate Professors to Full Professors. Recognizing the diverse needs of faculty at the Associate Level, applicants can define a scope of work that aligns with their goals and timeline to advancement to Full Professor.

Examples of potential activities that can be funded include but are not limited to:
• Prepare manuscripts (e.g. funds could be requested for student/editor support or statistical consultation)
• Activities to finalize a project (e.g. data analysis and dissemination of results)
• Bridge funding to support activities leading to a new proposal
• Travel, aligned with specific professional objectives (e.g. to serve on a panel, meet with potential funding agencies, or build professional networks)
• Activities that help build a national profile or reputation in the field of specialty
• Engage with a new collaborator to expand a research team or network

Who is eligible: CPH primary faculty at the rank of Associate, Tenure Track

Award amount: up to $10,000

Period of award: Spring 2024, for a period of 1 year from the award date

Proposals due: March 1, 2024

Submit questions and applications to: Ericka Klingner (

How to Apply
Respond to the following items:
1. Name
2. What are your goals/priorities for advancement to full professor (up to approximately 250 words)
3. What is your aim(s) for this award? (up to approximately 250 words)
4. Describe your proposed activities/scope of work to meet this aim(s). (up to approximately 500 words)
5. Provide a timeline for the activities/scope of work
6. Budget and justification