
College hosts IDPH Center for Rural Health and Primary Care advisory committee

Published on March 21, 2016

On Monday, March 7, the College of Public Health was pleased to host a meeting of the advisory committee for the Iowa Department of Public Health’s Center for Rural Health and Primary Care. The centerpiece of the meeting were presentations on Rural Health Policy by Keith Mueller, professor and head of health management and policy, and Chuck Fluharty, clinical professor of health management and policy and CEO of the Rural Policy Research Institute (RUPRI).

“These presentations provided a global framing of rural issues and how to address emergent issues in rural health,” said Mueller. “The meeting was an excellent opportunity to showcase some of the unique rural policy expertise in the College of Public Health.”

Mueller’s presentation focused on major changes occurring in clinical and primary care, including rising rates of insurance coverage, new payment models that shift incentives from volume to value, and ongoing efforts to build high-performance health systems.

Fluharty’s presentation focused on rural innovation and opportunities for collective impact beyond the health sector. Fluharty discussed the need for regional policies that align rural and urban interests, while highlighting several RUPRI initiatives that are contributing to the development of thriving rural communities. One such initiative, a collaboration between RUPRI and Art of the Rural, engages artists, organizations, and communities in crafting strategies that foster rural economic and community development. More information can be found online at .