
CPH liveWELL 2017 report shows faculty, staff health trends

Published on March 7, 2018

In 2017, 70% of eligible College of Public Health faculty and staff (compared to 73% overall for UI) took their Personal Health Assessment, a survey of health and lifestyle practices.

Of the 212 CPH respondents in 2017:

  • 69% were Professional & Scientific
  • 68% were Faculty

Health behaviors in the CPH (figure 2) compare favorably to overall UI, with regular exercise and stress management practice being the two exceptions.

graph of CPH liveWell health behaviors 2017


Healthy Culture Questions in the CPH (figure 4; ORG 20 = CPH) compare favorably to overall UI, showing a positive work culture that supports satisfaction and engagement at work, improved performance and attendance, and good health.

graph of CPH liveWell Healthy Culture 2017











2017 Recommendations for Health and Well-being Initiatives in the CPH

  • Continue to identify ways to encourage participation in the Personal Health Asssessment and other programs amongst all job classes. Consider sharing data for in various forums.
  • Extremely positive health outcomes year over year and healthy campus culture results. Offer tailored programming as well as share data to continue to foster strong culture of health.
  • Recognize Wellness Ambassadors and other champions for health and well-being at College of Public Health.