Story, Golinghorst honored with awards at Finkbine Dinner
Published on May 16, 2019
University of Iowa students, faculty, staff, and alumni received some of the institution’s highest honors on April 23 at the 102nd Finkbine Dinner. College of Public Health faculty and students honored in 2019 were Will Story, who received the James N. Murray Faculty Award, and Dexter Golinghorst, who received a Distinguished Student Leader certificate.
William Story
James N. Murray Award Recipient. William Story is an assistant professor of Community and Behavioral Health in the College of Public Health. His research focuses on better understanding of household and community factors critical to the improvement of maternal and child health in resource-poor countries and translating that research into effective interventions and policies. In the classroom, Story shares his passion for global health by emphasizing the importance of data reporting and the techniques used to access that information through real-world applications. His engagement with and encouragement of students to use academic knowledge is reflected in his role as a faculty member and a mentor. Story serves as a member of Iowa’s Immigrant and Refugee Health and Wellbeing Research Group (IRHWRG) where, in conjunction with faculty from the College of Public Health, he works with other colleges to create a collaborative research environment that shares resources. Working both locally and internationally, he has created partnerships with nongovernmental organizations and professional agencies.
Dexter Golinghorst
Distinguished Student Leader Award, Graduate. DexterGolinghorst, of Maysville, Iowa, is a third-year student in the College of Law and is pursuing a master’s degree in health administration. Golinghorst is the current president of the Graduate and Professional Student Government and has worked to bring student voices to university issues of decision-making, including advocating for a state-level program to retain graduate and professional students in Iowa after graduation. As a research assistant for Anya Prince, associate professor of law and member of the UI Genetics Cluster, he analyzed the results of an empirical survey of state insurance commissioners, identified themes in the data, and drafted an article that he and Prince submitted for publication. As co-president of the Iowa Student Bar Association, Golinghorst was an advocate for student interests, working toward approval of hiring an in-house mental health counselor and working to enhance networking and job prospects for Iowa Law students. He also serves as a student board member on the Iowa Law School Foundation and as a student ambassador in the Alumni Relations Office, where he works to engage Iowa alumni and donors on behalf of students.
See a full list of 2019 award recipients.