2023 CPH Faculty, Staff, and Student Awards presented
Published on May 3, 2023

Students, faculty, staff, and alumni were honored at the annual CPH Awards & Recognition Presentation held May 3, 2023. Congratulations to all who received awards!
Delta Omega Honorary Society in Public Health
Graduate Students
- Coltin Ball
- Marianna Cota
- McKenna Deaton
- Sabin Gaire
- Dylan Hendricks
- Emma Herbach
- Paul Holdefer
- Carolyn Hoemann
- Maddie Huinker
- Heather Jahn
- Anya Morozov
- Krit Petrachaianan
- Radha Velamuri
- Josh Ventling
- Lili Xu
Undergraduate Students
- Emily Jensen
- Grace Jukovich
- Erin Kresse
- Madeline Rosen
- Austin Smith
- Grant Brown
- James Cavanaugh
- Jessica Davila T
- homas Dolan
- Pramod Dwivedi
- Janel Fedler
- Jennifer McDougle
- Sarah Nash
- Dan Sewell
- David R. Williams
College of Public Health Awards
- Faculty Mentor Award: Marcia Ward
- Faculty Research Award: Kai Wang
- Faculty Service Award: Bridget Zimmerman
- Faculty Teaching Award: Sarah Nash and Rima Afifi
- Staff Research Award: Dru Mueller
- Staff Service Award: Sophie Switzer
College of Public Health Research Office Awards
- New Faculty Research Award: Jong Sung Kim
- Associate Professor Advancement Award: Natoshia Askelson
- Distinguished Faculty Lecturer: Joseph Cavanaugh
- Scientific Staff Advancement: Becky Bucklin, Sofie Dollison-McGill, Jennifer Patterson, Kristi Yeggy
University of Iowa Awards & Recognition
- OVPR Scholar of the Year: Christine Petersen
- OVPR Distinguished Achievement in Publicly Engaged Research: Keith Mueller
- OVPR Early Career Scholars: Oluwafemi Adeagbo and Shannon Lea Watkins
- Regents Award for Faculty Excellence: Joseph Cavanaugh
- ICRU Excellence in Undergraduate Research: Laura Flores
- Hancher-Finkbine Distinguished Undergraduate Student Leader Certificate: Abigail McKenna
- Margaret P. Benson Memorial Award: Jada McDonald
University Longevity Awards
UI anniversary dates effective April 2022 – March 2023
35 years
- Cynthia Brugioni, State Health Registry of Iowa
- Wendy Walker, Occupational & Environmental Health
30 years
- Lisa Irving, Human Resources
- Kay Shie, Human Resources
- Connie Swartzendruber, State Health Registry of Iowa
25 years
- Ray Bennett, Instructional Services
- Rhonda Hosler, State Health Registry of Iowa