CPH researchers contribute to case studies of NGO health programs
Published on May 14, 2019
Researchers from the University of Iowa College of Public Health have contributed to a series of case studies that describe the impact of long-term projects on health systems in Mozambique, Ethiopia, and Malawi.
The studies examine integrated community case management (iCCM) programs implemented in the three countries by the international non-governmental organization (NGO) Save the Children. iCCM is a strategy to reduce child mortality in which a health system trains, supplies, and supervises community health workers to provide treatments for sick children who have limited access to facility-based health services.

Globally, three of the major killers of children under age 5 are pneumonia, diarrhea, and malaria. Through iCCM, community health workers can deliver appropriate, lifesaving treatments such as immunizations, oral rehydration solution, zinc, antibiotics, and malaria drugs closer to where children live.
William Story, assistant professor of community and behavioral health in the University of Iowa College of Public Health, served as co-principal investigator of the case studies along with Eric Sarriot from Save the Children.
“These case studies are an excellent example of how NGO-academic partnerships can influence global health policy and practice by leveraging our respective strengths in project implementation and research methods,” Story says.
The case studies will guide recommendations to Save the Children and the global health implementation community on strategies and opportunities for strengthening iCCM and possibly other service delivery programs. The studies also provide lessons learned and inform global development thinking on strengthening the capacity, sustainability, and resilience of health systems.
The case studies, titled “Systems Effects of Integrated Community Case Management Projects,” are available in Save the Children’s online resource center ( The three country reports will be consolidated in a final cross-cutting analytical publication.
CPH alumni Emily Hejna (17MPH) and Elijah Olivas (19MPH) contributed to the reports, along with numerous colleagues. The research was funded by Save the Children US – Department for Global Health.