CPHB Space Use Policy

Space is assigned by central administration to colleges and departments consistent with the strategic planning initiatives of the University. Space is a valuable resource and should be optimized to ensure effective use.

The following guidelines govern the College of Public Health. Our facilities are reserved for the accomplishment of the mission of the College which is to promote health and prevent injury and illness through commitment to education and training, excellence in research, innovation in policy development, and devotion to public health practice.

Guiding Principles

  • Maximize space that is of high quality, physically accessible and proximal to enhance productivity and collaboration and to support integration of our mission. In order to achieve this goal, some sharing of offices may be necessary even where private space is desirable.
  • All space is subject to assignment and reassignment in support of the college’s mission.
  • Space decisions should support high levels of utilization and flexibility.
  • Units and programs should be given a higher priority to remain in close proximity than nonrelated activities.
  • Units are expected to effectively manage space assignments based on these guidelines before making a request for additional space.
  • Space usage will be consistent with university policy (UI Operations Manual – Chapter 35).

Space Type Definitions

Space TypeDefinition
Private OfficeA private office is a lockable room that is designated for a single occupant.
Shared SpaceShared space could include the following types of space:
  • A private office that is shared between more than one individual and has a single workspace that is shared on alternate days.
  • A private office that is shared between more than one individual with multiple workspaces.
  • An open area with or without partitions and multiple workstations.
  • “Hotel” space – space not assigned to an individual but can be reserved while on campus.

Work Arrangement Definitions

On-campus workJob functions that must be completed or are most effectively completed at
an on-campus location.
Remote workJob functions that can be performed effectively entirely off campus.
Hybrid workJob functions that can be performed effectively in a combination of on- and
off-campus locations.

Space Assignment Guidelines

The college will follow the university design standard guidelines for faculty, staff and student space. Some office sizes may vary from the current guidelines given changes in the university design standards over the years.

The Dean’s Office has operational oversight of the space allocated to the departments and units within the college. Individual space assignments within each department will be determined by the departmental head. The following table shows the recommended space type allocation based on occupant and position type. These guidelines are not a guarantee but rather a guide to help maximize our resources.

OccupantWork Location ExpectationsSpace Type
FacultyFull-time faculty with on-campus expectations greater than 50 percentPrivate office
Faculty with on-campus expectations less than 50 percent, faculty with less than a 50 percent appointment, or faculty with access to office space in multiple buildingsPrivate office or shared space depending on space availability
StaffStaff with on-campus expectations greater than 50 percentPrivate office or shared space depending on the requirements of their primary job function and space availability
Staff with a hybrid work arrangement with on-campus work expectations less than 50 percent or staff with less than 50 percent appointmentShared space
Remote workAccess to shared space that can be reserved
Post DoctoratesOn campus workShared space
Graduate Research AssistantsOn campus workShared space
Graduate Teaching AssistantsOn campus work to meet with their students during designated office hours or by appointment.Shared space
Graduate StudentsShared space, depending on availability
Temporary or student staffOn campus workShared space

Faculty Offices

Departments should use the following considerations to assign faculty offices:

  • Professors holding special titles or designations such as endowed professorships, current and former department chairs.
  • The highest ranking professor requesting an office.
  • If two or more faculty members of equal rank request the same office:
    • The faculty member with the longest continuous seniority at the College of Public Health will be given preference.
    • In the event rank and seniority are equal, seniority for the purpose of office assignment only shall be determined by seniority in rank alone.
    • In the event of equal time and seniority in rank, seniority shall be determined by lot.
  • Emeritus Faculty members. There is no entitlement for office space that comes with emeritus status. However, if space is available and an individual is contributing a significant amount of time on-campus to teaching, advising, or research/scholarly productivity, then office space may be provided. If space is available, shared office space may be considered for emeritus faculty members who maintain less than full time involvement and contribution on-campus.
  • Multiple Office Space Requests. Faculty should not have more than one office, unless approved by the Dean’s Office. Multiple offices are only provided when faculty duties or programmatic needs, clearly require office space in more than one location. It is the responsibility of the department requesting the additional office space to provide the burden of proof for multiple offices.
  • Once a permanent full-time faculty has been assigned to an office, the faculty member will not be required to vacate their office at a later date in favor of a higher ranking faculty, without the consent of the effected party and the DEO.
  • Faculty members on sabbatical, administrative assignment, or other approved leave will customarily retain long term rights to their assigned office for up to one year. Such offices may be temporarily assigned to others for the duration of such an absence, and the faculty member may be requested to remove or box personal items during their leave period to accommodate temporary office assignments.
  • Faculty offices may be assigned to non-faculty with the understanding that the space assignment is temporary and subject to change to accommodate space assignment for additional faculty.

Staff Offices

Departments should consider the following when determining staff space requirements:

  • The availability of space and the requirements of their primary job function and not solely on rank/seniority.
  • Nature and frequency of meetings or phone calls that are confidential in nature.
  • Nature and frequency of processing data. For example, space for analytical tasks using routine data would be accommodated in a cubicle while analytic needs for projects with data use restrictions might require a private space.