Local Administrator Statement

As a local administrator of computer workstation(s) in the College of Public Health, University of Iowa, you accept the responsibility to preserve the integrity and security of workstation hardware and software, including the operating system and applications. As a local administrator you will be responsible for monitoring any software that is installed on the workstation(s) using this account. Unauthorized or unlicensed software may lead to virus infections, spyware infections, operating system problems, or legal problems, and are in violation of this statement.

The University Operations Manual, Part II, Chapter 19, Section 4, describes individual responsibilities, including a section specific to University data access. Many administrative support roles require high-level access authority to systems and services where confidential data are stored or through which they flow. To deliberately misuse, damage the integrity, and/or breach the confidentiality of information could be cause for University sanctions as described in The University Operations Manual, Part II, Chapter 19, Section 5. See attachment.


I have read and understand the above statements regarding the responsibility of local administration of computer workstation(s) in the College of Public Health, University of Iowa. I have discussed any questions I have about these statements with my supervisor. I understand the special nature of local administrative roles, the importance of confidentiality in these roles, and agree to adhere to policy regarding preservation of the confidentiality and integrity of institutional, academic, and research data.

Signed: ____________________________________________

Print Name: ________________________________________

Supervisor Signature: ________________________________

Date: _____________________________________________

Please return to Tim Shie, Director of Information Technology. This document is to be filed with the Office of Information Technology, College of Public Health. We reserve the right to revoke this privilege if the local administrator is in violation of this statement.