Title(s): Professor, Director of Graduate Studies, Director of Statistics/Analytics Core, Institute for Public Health Practice, Research and Policy
Department: Biostatistics
Office: N316 CPHB
Phone: (319) 384-1595
Courses Taught
- Introduction to Biostatistics
- Survey Design and Analysis
- Biostatistical Methods II
- Longitudinal Data Analysis
Research Interests
- Cochlear implant research
- Speech and language learning
- Infectious disease modeling
- Small area estimation
- Cancer Epidemiology and Population Science
In the News
- College of Public Health announces the Institute for Public Health Practice, Research and Policy
- Oleson, Brown contribute to statistical methods in speech, language, and hearing sciences
- UI research advances understanding of how children learn words
- Study finds high levels of lead in 1 in 5 Iowa newborns
- Iowa Health by the Numbers
- Financial status affects success of students with learning disabilities
- Study shows kids with hearing loss benefit from early intervention
- Doctoral student developing software to predict spread of the Ebola epidemic