2020 ISIB Participant Presentations

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic in summer 2020, the Iowa Summer Institute in Biostatistics held a distance mentored program for a small cohort.  Participants selected from among three research projects available to them. They were matched in groups of three and assigned to a faculty mentor with whom they conducted an extensive research by distance virtually. Their work and findings were presented at the 2020 Iowa Summer Research Symposium.

The 2020 distance mentored project presentations are listed below.

Grace Gerdts, Micah Marshall and Sarah Maebius


Modeling Optimal Treatment Decisions for Large Vessel Occlusion in Acute Stroke Patients

Monica Colon Vargus, Andrew Peterson and Victoria Penalver


Investigating the Relationship Between Food Contamination and Enteric Pathogen Infections in Infants Living in Low-to-middle-income Countries

Jasmine Li, Alena Figueroa and Stephanie Lewis


A Longitudinal Analysis of DaTscan Data from Parkinson’s Disease Subjects with and without REM Sleep Behavior Disorder