Ian Montgomery


A portrait of Ian Montgomery of the University of Iowa College of Public Health.

Title(s): Emeritus Associate Professor and EMHA Career Coach
Department: Health Management and Policy
Office: N222 CPHB

Ian Montgomery is an Emeritus Associate Professor within the Department of Health Management and Policy.

During his tenure at the University of Iowa College of Public Health, he has served in four roles:

  1. Director of the Center for Healthcare Executive Studies and Services, where he directed the Executive MHA program, the Graduate Certificate in Healthcare Management, and onsite management training workshops for healthcare organizations. He also co-directed the Office of Healthcare Leadership Education (OHLE), a consortium of the University of Iowa Colleges of Medicine, Business, and Public Health.
  2. Clinical Associate Professor, where he taught twelve courses
  3. Executive in Residence, where he advised 70+ graduate students annually on professional preparedness and related activities.
  4. EMHA Career Coach, where he advises 20+ students on career development strategies and trajectories.

Mr. Montgomery earned undergraduate degrees in Psychology and Sociology (1975) and a graduate degree in Health Administration (1979) from the University of Iowa. He has been a Certified Medical Practice Executive since 1985. He worked for more than 35 years developing, administering, and consulting for a wide variety of medical practices across the United States.

Courses Taught

  • Medical Practice Administration (MHA)
  • Professional Development Seminar Series (MHA)
  • Integrative Capstone (EMHA and MHA)
  • Interprofessional Healthcare Administration I and II (EMHA)
  • Strategic Planning and Marketing (EMHA and MHA)
  • Healthcare Management (EMHA)
  • Healthcare Consulting (MHA)