Jonathan Platt, PhD, MPH


Portrait of Professor Jonathan Platt of the Department of Occupational and Environmental Health at the University of Iowa College of Public Health.

Title(s): Assistant Professor
Department: Epidemiology
Office: S427 CPHB
Phone: (319) 467-4360

Dr. Platt’s research integrates social theory with causal inference methods to better understand how systems of social stratification influence mental health disorders and disparities. His ongoing research includes:

  1. how the deployment of gender influences the risk of depression, suicide, and substance use disorders;
  2. the multilevel socio-developmental causes adolescent mental health and suicide; and
  3. the development and application of novel methods for quantitative intersectionality research.

He also has partnerships to understand gender-based violence and traumatic experiences in several Sub-Saharan African countries.

Research Interests

  • Social determinants of health and health inequities
  • Psychiatric epidemiology
  • Depression, anxiety disorders
  • Suicide and suicidal behaviors
  • Alcohol and substance use
  • Child and adolescent health
  • Causal inference, latent variable, and machine-learning methods
