Research Interest Area: Clinical and Health Services Epidemiology
Clinical and health services epidemiology aims to improve health outcomes by quantifying safety and effectiveness of clinical, preventive, and healthcare interventions.
Real-world evidence, Learning Health Systems, pragmatic trials, patient-centered outcomes research, and medical product safety and effectiveness are contemporary topics for which clinical and health services epidemiologists have much to offer.
Students with the following interests and are encouraged to explore this research interest areas area, regardless of degree program:
comparative effectiveness research
health services epidemiology, hospital epidemiology
clinical investigation, clinical epidemiology
a variety of health conditions and patient populations such as infectious diseases, chronic diseases, injuries, older adults, maternal and child health
Cancer surveillance, epidemiology, and prevention; Health services research with a specific focus on cancer screening; Community-engaged research methods
Acute stroke management, evidence-based strategies to improve stroke management in rural areas, novel strategies to enable rural patients to participate in stroke trials
Rural health, cancer disparities, access to care, social determinants of health, social epidemiology, geographic information systems/spatial statistics
Students interested in clinical and health services epidemiology are preparing for a career in which they will:
Evaluate need, use, performance and outcomes of health and healthcare products, procedures, interventions, services and programs
Advance methods for quantifying health effects of products, interventions, services and programs
Contribute to optimizing health of patients
Inform clinical and healthcare practice and policy
Collaborate and lead multidisciplinary teams to design and conduct observational and interventional research
Be competent in a family of related research fields including: outcomes research, health services research, clinical epidemiology, pharmacoepidemiology, and clinical effectiveness research
Recommended Plan of Study for the Clinical and Health Services Research Interest Area PhD Elective Requirement
course #
course name
semester(s) offered*
Students interested in clinical and health services epidemiology will take the following four courses:
Introduction to Clinical Epidemiology
3 s.h.
EPID: 6910
Pharmacoepidemiology and Comparative Effectiveness Research
3 s.h.
Fall even years
Applied Administrative Data Analysis
2 s.h.
Fall, odd years
Introduction to US Healthcare System
3 s.h.
Spring, Summer (online, additional tuition assessed for CPH online courses)
In addition, students will complete at least 14 s.h. from the following highly recommended courses. Students should select courses in consultation with their advisor to reflect their research interest area (e.g. pharmacoepi, comparative effectiveness, clinical trials, health services research, or outcomes research).
*Semester(s) offered subject to change due to enrollment, instructor availability, etc. Students should always check the course schedule at for the most up to date version of the course schedule.