Vaping: The New Look of Nicotine Addiction

Vaping: The New Look of Nicotine Addiction

There is an ongoing, dramatic increase in  usage of electronic cigarettes (e-cigs) among students in high schools and colleges, including at the University of Iowa (UI).  Recently, the National College Health Assessment reported 26.8% of UI undergrads said they have used e-cigs in the last 30 days.  In a senior survey at a large Iowa City high school in 2019, 50% responded yes to the question “Have you ever vaped?”  While many on the UI campus are concerned about this growing trend of e-cig usage among current and incoming students, the impact of vaping goes beyond student wellness to include the impact on employers, health care costs, the environment, and more.

This issue has prompted the formation of a coalition to reach out to those on campus and in our community to share knowledge, challenges, and determine next steps.  We are initiating a series of campus/community activities and presentations titled “Vaping: The New Look of Nicotine Addiction.”


Along with the community events,  campus activities are planned.  Anyone interested in meeting with the above mentioned Visiting Scholars can contact the IIPHRP for more information.

Thank you to our sponsors of this e-cigs/vaping series: UI sponsors – College of Public Health, Graduate & Professional Student Government, Graduate Student Senate, IIPHRP, Research Development Office, liveWELL/Human Resources, Staff Council, Student Government, Student Wellness; Community sponsors – Clear Creek Amana Community School District, City of Coralville, City of Iowa City, Iowa City Community School District, Johnson County Public Health, Mount Vernon Community Schools.

Please stay tuned to this webpage.  It will be updated with more details and information.  If you have any questions, please email