The Iowa Institute of Public Health Research and Policy (IIPHRP) an Iowa Board of Regents approved institute, was established to expand the scope, scale and impact of public health research at the University of Iowa. The IIPHRP fosters and nurtures grassroots application of cutting edge, public health research to address grand challenges in population health. The IIPHRP serves as a catalyst and creates intellectual communities that reach across disciplinary boundaries by bringing together researchers, healthcare organizations, providers, citizens, community leaders, private partners and policy makers, to help shape and inform public health policy. By bringing together the best of what we know, the IIPHRP aims to create better population health in Iowa, and across the nation.
The IIPHRP promotes the development, application, implementation and dissemination of cutting edge public health research which addresses grand challenges in population health. The goals of public health are to align appropriate entities with a vision for partnership, innovation, and improvement. To do this, the IIPHRP adheres to the following goals and strategies:
Goal 1
Increase visibility and engagement of the University of Iowa College of Public Health enterprise across the state, nationally and internationally to promote cross cutting population health policies and practices
Nurture ‘collaboratories’ that lead to large-scale, innovative, cross-disciplinary research among faculty and with other institutions/organizations.
Increase collaborative research partnerships among U of I faculty and staff
Increase the opportunity for local communities to participate in meaningful and innovative public health research
Develop and disseminate policy briefs that inform public health policies
Goal 2
Expand the scope, scale and impact of public health research at the University of Iowa
Host experts including ‘Executives-in-Residence’ from the private sector to increase the collaborative partnership of private business and public health
Develop a Scholar-in-Residence program to integrate knowledge into practice
Incubate start-up research initiatives for junior faculty across departments and colleges with similar interests to help build collaborative teams
Develop and maintain effective community partnerships
Organize and sponsor mini conferences and seminars
Goal 3
Be a recognized resource for education, training, policy, and research related to public health issues
Disseminate and translate critical research and best practice information for citizens, communities, heath care organizations, the public health workforce and policy makers
Expand and nurture relationships with employers
Communicate critical happenings and policy implications that impact health
Provide educational opportunities to inform the public and educate the public health workforce about pressing public health issues.
The strategic vision for the university is to have distinguished global reach and impact regarding research and vibrant programs for student success. The activities of the IIPHRP will accelerate the achievement of this vision as the IIPRHP facilitates and catalyzes new, high impact collaborative research opportunities that cross the boundaries of public health and other disciplines.
From the life-saving benefits of clean drinking water and smoke-free workplaces to the importance of effective health care services and safe vaccines, the power of public health is at work every day. The Iowa Institute of Public Health Research and Policy is dedicated to developing new public-private partnerships to ensure the next generation of public health challenges will be met with effective innovations that protect and enhance the lives of people across Iowa, throughout our nation, and around the globe.
Private support for the IIPHRP is critical to our goal of fostering ground-breaking collaborations among CPH researchers and businesses, community leaders, policy makers, and public health practitioners.
Gifts help sustain IIPHRP activities such as:
Incubator efforts to launch start-up research and stimulate large-scale, cross-disciplinary programs linking CPH faculty, other UI colleges, and private sector partners.
Convening local, state, and national experts for policy conferences that explore current health policy issues, enhance learning opportunities for students and faculty, and engage the public health practice community.
Hosting industry experts and scholars in our Executive-in-Residence and Visiting Scholar programs.
Promoting faculty engagement with business leaders and policymakers with the goal to translate research into practice and policy.
Developing and delivering specialized learning activities such as seminars, lectures, and workshops.
IIPHRP News – October 2017 This edition links to the IIPHRP annual report. In addition, this news brief shares information about about recent Executive-in-Residence and Visiting Scholar activities, plus it provides a profile of the IIPHRP interns, practicum students and Graduate Research Assistants. 2017-2018 Policy Fellows are announced.
IIPHRP News – May, 2017 This edition highlights information about the Collaboratories, the work a policy fellow to increase bicycling safety and the final report of the public health data needs assessment.
IIPHRP News – February, 2017This edition includes information about upcoming Executives-in-Residence, IIPHRP practicum student activities for the INVEST Health initiative and an overview of the Policy Fellow Program. It also includes information about the IIPHRP’s work on a public health data needs assessment initiative