Breadcrumb HomeIowa Institute of Public Health Research and Policy Stakeholders of the Neonicotinoid Collaboratory R. William Field Professor, OEH, CPH Darrin Thompson Assoc. Director, CHEEC Wei Bao Assistant Professor Epidemiology, CPH Susie Dai Env. Lab Director State Hygienic Lab. Manuel Gadogbe Post Doctoral Fellow OEH, CPH Michelle Hladik Research Chemist, USGS Christopher Jones Research Scientist College of Engineering Dana Kolpin Research Hydrologist, USGS Gregory Lefevre Assistant Professor Civil & Env. Eng. Hans-Joachim Lehmler Assoc. Professor, OEH, CPH Bob Libra Geologist Charles Lynch Professor Epidemiology, CPH Keith Schilling Research Scientist Iowa Geological Survey John Vargo Env. Lab Scientist State Hygienic Lab. Peter Weyer Former Director CHEEC